Editorial guidelines of IEN.eu

Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Submission & FAQs

To which type of content can I contribute?

IEN Europe’s online

The website informs our subscribers on industry players and their newest technologies, products and solutions. Distribute your information and marketing messages in the format and frequency our subscribers prefer.

IEN Europe’s print edition 

Released on a monthly basis, the print edition features exclusive interviews and news stories and gathers the best product and industry news which have been published during the month.

IEN Europe’s newsletter

This e-newsletter features short articles about industrial products, news, interviews, white papers, and more. Each article appears as an abstract in the newsletter email and is published in full on www.ien.eu.

-    May I send an article that’s already fully written?
If you’ve already written the article, paste it into an email and send it along. Tell us if, where, and when the article was published previously – either in print or online.

-    What are you looking for in a pitch?
Your email should answer these questions: Who are you, and what qualifies you to write about this topic? What is the topic? How innovative is it? What will readers learn from your article?

-    Who can submit content for IEN Europe?
I am from the marketing department of my company and want to send you an article.

  • Send us a short synopsis of your article or a topic you’d like to share about.

I’m a professional in the industry field (engineer, designer, manager, VP, CEO, etc.) and have an idea or story I’d like to share, or I would like to be interviewed.

  • We would be glad to hear directly from you. Send us your name, title, topic, and brief explanation (a few lines) of the story or idea you’d like to share. 

I represent a client or company.

  • Case studies, best practice reports, and client success stories will be carefully evaluated. We are interested in knowing about new product announcements and new feature rollouts. 

-    What are your requirements in terms of exclusivity?

In case of special projects or featured articles, additional guidelines are provided:

  • We seek for exclusive, new and cutting-edge announcements
  • The agreed content will be shared exclusively with IEN Europe for a period of three months, during which no other B2B magazines in English will be allowed to receive and publish the same information
  • The article can be only written up by IEN editorial team or by the supplier’s team with our supervision on the content. In the last case, please note that material must not exceed 3500 characters (with spaces) for a one-page article or 6000 characters (with spaces) for a two-page article and must come with 2/3 good HR pictures.

Please send emails to k.petermann@tim-europe.com with the subject line: “Query for TIMGlobal Media Editors.”

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