2009 a Promising Year for the Renewable Energy Industry

according to Frost & Sullivan

  • May 1, 2009
  • 2009 a Promising Year for the Renewable Energy Industry
    2009 a Promising Year for the Renewable Energy Industry

After a rough end to 2008, 2009 looks to be a promising year for the renewable energy industry, according to Frost & Sullivan. Companies are and will be facing a few challenges, but the market is expected to rise once again. In the new economic climate, the sector will have to adapt to the factors facing the world economy, including scarce financial resources, high interest rates, and shattered investor’s confidence. Companies will also have to battle against shrinking profits, fiercer competition, and even price wars in some green energy sectors. However, there are some positive factors influencing the 2009 market, such as lower raw materials and equipment prices. Likewise, project valuations are back to a reasonable level, which makes 2009 a good time to invest or buy.

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