Taiwan Semiconductor, a Taiwanese company specialized in discrete devices (Diodes, MOSFETs) and power management ICs, introduced the Dual N-Channel Power MOSFET in a PDFN56 dual package. Available in four versions (TSM110NB04DCR, TSM150NB04DCR, TSM250NB06DCR, TSM300NB06DCR), they provide improved power density. The four MOSFETS are available with 40V/60V breakdown voltages 25A - 38A current ratings and an RDSon of 15mΩ - 30mΩ.
Suitable for applications including BLDC motor control, battery power management, DC/DC converter and secondary synchronous rectification
They are all avalanche and Rg tested, with a maximum junction temperature of 150°C. Fast switching frequencies are made possible through a low gate charge. Halogen-free, they meet RoHS requirements and feature a very low on-resistance to minimize conduction losses.