Air Hoists

load ratings from 0.25 to 100 tonnes

  • Air Hoists
    Air Hoists

    Both hoists feature a new high-performance vane motor with a 2kW rating, which achieved reliable results on 480 hours long-term test under full load conditions. The products from J.D. Neuhaus include a Profi 1.5 Ti hoist with a carrying capacity of 1.6 tonnes, together with a Profi 3 Ti/2 with a capacity of 3.2 tonnes. They complement a range of hoists with load ratings from 0.25 to 100 tonnes and feature either rope or pendent hand controllers for very sensitive regulation of both lifting and lowering speeds. Optional control systems are also available. In common with existing products in the range, the new hoists offer operation at air pressures within 4 - 6 bar, as well as lubrication-free performance of 250 working hour’s duration between servicing. The new smaller hoist has no shortfall in performance, however, with tests corresponding to 19,200 successful continuous full load cycles over a three metre lift height.