Automation Controller

For extreme environmental conditions

  • Automation Controller
    Automation Controller

    Siemens has developed a new controller for extreme environmental conditions. Siplus S7-1500 has the same performance characteristics as the newest standard controller family Simatic S7-1500 for mid-level and high-end machine and plant automation. Other outstanding features of the new controller are reliable operation under extreme medial loads such as humidity, corrosive vapors, salts or dusts. In an extended temperature range, the controller functions reliably during cold starts as well as in continual operation. This saves energy costs for the user because no additional air conditioning is necessary. Robust, enhanced modules make it possible to safely use the system everywhere from offshore plants and harsh industrial environments up to applications at extreme altitudes. The new device is protected against condensation and corrosive gasses, as well as aggressive and saline atmospheres.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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