Battery Technology

Compact and highly customizable, this batter technology is designed for vehicles/hybrid-electric vehicles, wind/solar power and variable frequency drives

  • Rolinx is a line of busbar from Rogers Corporation
    Rolinx is a line of busbar from Rogers Corporation

    Rolinx®, presented by Rogers Corporation, is a line of customized busbar solutions and capacitor-busbar assemblies, designed for a wide range of power distribution applications in electric vehicles/hybrid-electric vehicles (EV/HEVs), wind/solar power and variable frequency drives (VFD). ROLINX busbar solutions offer compact and highly customizable designs and in combination with capacitors, extremely low inductance and high-power density capabilities.

    Battery Technology ideal for applications requiring high-power handling capabilities

    ROLINX CapLink Solutions are custom assemblies consisting of a number of capacitors integrated to a laminated busbar and are ideal for any power-management application requiring high-power handling capabilities, low equivalent series inductance (ESL), low equivalent series resistance (ESR) in small, light-weight assemblies such as DC link systems in EV/HEV as well as in industrial, solar-power and wind-power systems. ROLINX CapLink Solutions are an essential solution to support IGBT/SiC technology devices at very high switching frequencies with increased voltages and higher temperatures.

    Battery Technology with compact 3D design and superior thermal management

    ROLINX PowerCircuit Solutions are the ideal alternative when the current and power requirements of the application exceed the capabilities of a standard PCB solution. Their compact 3D design and superior thermal management result in space and weight savings. ROLINX PowerCircuit Solutions are highly integrated structures that are solder-process compatible. These products help engineers design power circuitry with the smallest possible footprint.

    Battery Technology for reducing installation time

    ROLINX Hybrid busbars are especially designed to reduce installation time of a battery module by combining power and signal lines for voltage and temperature measurement, in a one-piece solution. Integrated surface mount components, such as connectors, enhance the functionality of the assembly.

    Battery Technology with operating temperatures from -40 to +125ºC

    ROLINX Housing Solutions are designed to simplify the design and assembly of electronic equipment housings. These injection-moulded structures combine connectors with busbars for reduced weight and low-inductance power connections in electronic equipment housings. Ideal for high-volume applications in automotive and aerospace products, they are rated up to 100 kW at continuous operating temperatures from -40 to +125ºC.