Business Leaders Unite at the Industrial Automation Conference

October 1-2 in Vienna, Austria

  • September 17, 2013
  • Business Leaders Unite at the Industrial Automation Conference
    Business Leaders Unite at the Industrial Automation Conference

On October 1-2 in Vienna, Austria, experts and industry leaders will come together to discuss the key factors that are determining the future direction and growth of industrial automation. The organizer - IHS Electronics & Media (formerly IMS Research) - believes that never before has there been an event with such attention to opportunities in emerging industrial regions and on growing sectors; to the impact of the world's economies on industrial automation; to the most significant technological trends; and to other important considerations, like energy efficiency, likely legislation, and the outlook for and effect of commodity prices.

The event aims to provide delegates from across industry with solid information and advice on the outlook for industrial automation and the factors that will affect its future growth. Sessions will examine the global economic outlook and the performance of the most important sectors of industry, focusing on recovery in the Eurozone, and also the performance and opportunities in emerging markets. The oil and gas sector, and the opportunity for unconventional extraction in Europe (e.g. hydraulic fracturing for shale gas), will be considered; along with the outlook for other sectors of great importance to industrial automation, including the automotive industry.

Other sessions will examine access to and sharing of data in the industrial environment, and the implications this has on plant security. There will also be case studies on the implementation of safe procedures in factory and process environments. The cost implications for manufacturers and end-users will also be considered, with discussion on the implications for European manufacturers, on reshoring, on component pricing trends, and the impact of increasing wages in emerging markets.

Some highlighted abstracts from the conference include:

Emerging Market Economic Development
What are the prospects for the rise of China and India as global economic powers? This session will consider the implications of China's leadership transition and India's economic slowdown and upcoming 2014 elections. As Brazil suffered the most out of the emerging economies, how will the region's outlook and infrastructure investment develop? Also discussed will be industrial growth in Africa, with a focus on local content requirements and how this will affect the ways in which businesses need to adapt. Following short presentations on each emerging market, a panel discussion will explore the changing influence of emerging economies in the global industrial landscape.

Industrial Cyber Security - The Next Frontier
The session will provide an introduction and overview of Industrial Cyber Security from four different perspectives. From the leading ICS vendor and authority: what are the key concerns of industry when it comes to security? Why is industry so far behind in the adoption of security procedures? From the industrial automation component vendor: how can security be installed with automation systems? How easy is it to add security to an existing installation? From the specialist security provider (which is starting to partner with industrial automation vendors): what is the starting point for protecting an industrial automation system? What are the major pitfalls? From the end-user: what are the networking goals and how is security considered? What are the experiences and examples of hacking or other security problems? What are end-users looking for in terms of security provision? How far is lack of security knowledge a big barrier?

Industrial Automation - Risks and Opportunities to 2020
The markets for industrial electronics and mechatronics products have evolved and grown considerably over the past decade, with the electronics portion of this market alone estimated to be worth over $75 billion this year. This session will look at the prospects for industrial automation suppliers for the remainder of the decade, highlighting where the greatest opportunities for growth exist. A managed panel discussion with five experts will offer guidance on the underlying trends and their impact on the market. All of the major industrial sectors will be discussed; including discrete automation, process electronics, motors and motor drives. The session will provide guidance on the outlook for machinery production, the key target market for factory automation equipment. In addition, a discussion will cover how the key topics from the two days will drive change in the market for industrial automation.

At the conclusion of the conference, each delegate will receive a White Paper, which will include: an overview of the Industrial Automation Equipment market and regional growth opportunities, a review of the key performance indicators for both discrete and process manufacturing; and highlights of the underlying trends affecting industrial automation markets, as seen by top IHS analysts.

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Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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