CANopen plug-fest for encoders and inclinometers

Another event scheduled for autumn

  • June 28, 2010
  • CANopen plug-fest for encoders and inclinometers
    CANopen plug-fest for encoders and inclinometers

Hosted by Systeme Helmholz several CiA members connected their CANopen encoders and inclinometers to CANopen PLCs from Systeme Helmholz and ifm electronic. After establishing SDO and PDO communication as well as Heartbeat, the linked devices were stressed by means of high busload. Other dynamic tests included high-frequently transmitted Sync messages, to which the sensors responded with PDOs (synchronous operation). Just a few minor problems were detected such as not 100 per cent matching electronic data sheets (EDS). “It is sometimes quite hard to cause the CANopen sensors to send Emergency messages,” said Holger Zeltwanger, CiA Managing Director, “due to the robustness and reliable CAN low layers.” The companies ifm, Leine & Linde, Mobil Elektronik, Pepperl + Fuchs, and Wachendorff participated in the plug-fest with sensors. These products are used in factory and machine automation as well as in mobile machines. CiA will schedule another plug-fest for encoders and inclinometers in autumn.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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