Increasing competitiveness and higher levels of regulatory compliance are placing greater demands on the food and beverage industry; improving automation levels and plant integration can address these concerns. However, with every installation being unique, creating an automation solution that is specifically matched to the application requires considerable expertise. The principle of outsourcing this type of project is considered by the vast majority of OEMs as an essential part of manufacturing strategy, one that allows them to remain competitive in a rapidly changing global market. In practical terms this strategy can deliver a number of improvements such as reducing supply chain management costs while improving production agility and the use of internal resources.
Profit from expert knowledge
Bürkert manufactures over 100,000 different products, typically valves, actuators, sensors, controllers and combined devices. Applying these products to scenarios that require specialist assemblies requires skill and experience as well as an imaginative approach. The Systemhaus combines all of these attributes and assigns a team that contains all the necessary skills and expertise to design, simulate, prototype, construct and test the finished product. Working closely with the client, this team has the ability to ensure the most efficient methods are used to develop an idea into the completed design.
Using in-house manufacturing facilities enables bespoke components to be created and matched to the application, reducing component count, installation time and cabinet size. Where necessary the control system can be housed in a stainless-steel hygienic EHEDG cabinet, to locate the compact field control box right in the process area, which shortens the distance to the process valves.
Bringing industry experience to every client
Companies in the food & beverage sector are now in a position to reconcile the commercial necessity of a high degree of automation of their production with the requirements of hygiene and safety. Thanks to their modular structure, control panels based on the latest control technology can be adapted to suit many situations and applications, whereby such optimised solutions are always based on high-quality, tried and tested components with a long service life.
Bürkert offers the widest range of equipment to actuate, monitor, network, position and decentralise process control into the field. In Bürkert's central control cabinet solution, each component is the product of cross functional mechanical and electrical engineering innovation and exacting laboratory testing. Combining these products with the design expertise and industry experience of the Systemhaus, ensures the optimum solution is delivered to every client