Colour Brochure Connectors & Cables for Thermocouples & Resistancs from Labfacility

Each product is represented by a colour photograph, dimensional details and a brief specification and therefore provides full data for equipment designers and OEMs

  • Colour Brochure Connectors & Cables for Thermocouples & Resistancs from Labfacility
    Colour Brochure Connectors & Cables for Thermocouples & Resistancs from Labfacility

    Colour brochure

    Detailed information on the full range of connectors, accessories and cables for thermocouples and resistance thermometers and other useful technical dataColour codes are contained in the colour brochure from Labfacility

    The wide range of connectors includes standard and miniature versions for applications up to 560oC, printed circuit board mounting and quick-wire configurations and a comprehensive family of installation and mounting accessories; many new additions to the range are also included.

    Thermocouple cables

    Thermocouple cables are offered with many alternative insulations and configurations for types J,K,E,T,N,U and Vx colour coded to IEC-584-3. Alternative colours to BS1843, ANSI and JIS are also available.
    Insulants include an entirely new range of PFA, PVC, PTFE, Polyurethane, glassfibre and Stainless steel overbraided glassfibre.
    The PFA and PTFE insulated cables are all of Class 1 tolerance to ensure high accuracy measurements. Ready made, exposed, welded-tip (naked bead) thermocouples are also offered in various forms including options of bare-wire tails or fitted miniature connectors; a novel version is supplied with a storage facility integral with an associated connector.

    The Labfacility L60 

    The Labfacility L60 fine wire welder described facilitates the production of thermocouple junctions both quickly and economically; it is ideal for manufacturers and users alike.
    Each product is represented by a colour photograph, dimensional details and a brief specification and therefore provides full data for equipment designers and OEMs.
    Useful data in the brochure includes thermocouple colour codes, a wire tolerance chart and a shortform catalogue of the entire Labfacility product range. Labfacility is an ISO 9001 company.

    Labfacility's Brochure

    The brochure is available on request via