Compax3 intelligent servo drives

with integrated software

  • Compax3 intelligent servo drives
    Compax3 intelligent servo drives

    The Compax3 family of single and multi-axis servo drives can operate at between 1 and 110kVA, and are suitable for use with all common types of motors and actuators, including sine commutated synchronous and asynchronous motors, torque motors, linear servo motors and voice coil motors. Similarly, the Compax3 system supports a variety of different feedback technologies such as resolvers, sine cosine in single or multi-turn versions, Hiperface or EnDat interfaces, analogue and digital hall sensors, and distance coded, rotary and linear encoders. As an open system, Compax3 can be used with Profibus, CANopen, DeviceNet, EtherCAT and Powerlink protocols, and can also be supplied with a real-time drive bus for dynamic, multi-axis synchronised applications. The Integrated Engineering Tool software uses PLCOpen Motion Control Function B locks and wizard technology to make setup, configuration and subsequent adjustments quick and simple.