Complete Solution for Energy Audit and Analysis

An Energy Analyzer in conjunction with the F3 control system allows precise monitoring of consumption of each plant or production area

  • Complete Solution for Energy Audit and Analysis
    Complete Solution for Energy Audit and Analysis

    EDEA (Company Energy Audit) is a solution created by Automata to meet the national and international laws issued in the energy field.

    EDEA is developed to satisfy the energy requirements in terms of energy audit and energy analysis, allowing to know and keeping under control the consumption of energy, gas and water flow, create a mapping of the inefficiencies of systems and processes and implement efficiency improvements.

    A primary kit for ESCO and Industrial plant. The offer for Energy-Audit and Energy-Analysis includes:

    • An Energy Analyzer in conjunction with the F3 control system allows precise monitoring of consumption of each plant or production area. The energy measured quantities are: energy & power active, reactive, apparent power, voltage, current, power factor & harmonic distortion.

    • Remote Access & Data Gateway Manager: managing in the same time Energy Analyzer devices installed on site, collects the data, records and makes it available on 'EDEA Client to enable analysis by the users.

    • Application Software: View in an intuitive and simple values recorded, graphics and consumer trends.