Compressed Air Meter

With changeable cartridge for easy calibaration

  • Compressed Air Meter
    Compressed Air Meter

    VPInstruments introduces new features for the VPFlowscope M. This compressed air meter, with its patented VPSensorCartridge technology and built-in Ethernet interface, is ready for Industry 4.0. Since the cartridge of the meter can easily be exchanged with a perfectly calibrated new cartridge, the calibration and maintenance costs are dramatically reduced.

    New firmware for faster downloads

    A new download algorithm for the new VPFlowScope M firmware and VPStudio, reducing the download time of data log files by 10 times. Some of the new VPFlowScope M features require an upgrade for VPStudio. This upgrade would also install new features for VPStudio, enabling users to select data log sessions at once for faster downloading and oppoprtunity to filter sessions by calendar date.