Configurable Displacer Transmitter

intrinsically safe

  • Configurable Displacer Transmitter
    Configurable Displacer Transmitter

    The modernized, digital E3 Modulevel from Magnetrol is an advanced, intrinsically safe two-wire instrument utilizing simple buoyancy principle to detect and convert liquid level changes into a stable output signal. The new model has modernized packaging, increased functionality, diagnostics, and the capability to configure rather than calibrate the transmitter. It supports Fieldbus, HART, AMS, FDT/PACTware communication protocols. While the cast iron enclosure used on the previous design was large and unwieldy, the adapted dual-compartment Eclipse enclosure used on the E3 is modern, lightweight and ergonomic. This enclosure contains the wiring, analogue and digital boards. The LVDT is housed separately adjacent to the enclosure and the two are joined by our flame path adaptor. The complete, explosion proof housing assembly is offered in both cast aluminium and stainless steel.