Congress for Lightweight Construction Takes Place During HANNOVER MESSE

5th Lightweighting Summit: Lightweight construction as a transformation technology for the resource turnaround

  • April 1, 2024
  • Congress for Lightweight Construction Takes Place During HANNOVER MESSE
    Congress for Lightweight Construction Takes Place During HANNOVER MESSE

    The 5th Lightweight Construction Summit, organised by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWK), will take place at HANNOVER MESSE on 23 April 2024. This year's congress will highlight the key role of lightweight construction concepts in the transition to a resource-efficient economy, focusing on lightweight construction as a transformation technology for the resource transition. A successful resource transition aims to extract and use raw materials in a sustainable way and then return them to the cycle. In addition to lightweight construction, the circular economy is also of crucial importance. Six experts will discuss this topic in a panel discussion.

    The two keynote speeches will be given by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Hanselka, President of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich, spokesman of the Baden-Württemberg Lightweight Construction Alliance. A new feature of the programme will be five promotional presentations on lightweight construction, in which various companies and research institutes will present innovative R&D projects in the field of lightweight construction.

    Dr. Anna Kleissner, Managing Director of Econmove GmbH, is currently creating a "lightweight construction satellite account" for Germany, commissioned by the BMWK and aimed making the gross value added and job opportunities offered by lightweight construction more visible and tangible for policymakers, businesspeople and society in general. She will give a motivational speech with a report on the current state of progress.

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