Cordsets and International Power Cords

Detachable from both the power supply and the electrical equipment

  • by Globtek
  • December 12, 2016
  • Cordsets and International Power Cords
    Cordsets and International Power Cords

GlobTek offers power supply cords, alternatively know as power cords, line cords, mains cables, cord sets or wire harnesses, and standard and custom Cord sets.

Features and appliance

They are detachable from both the power supply and the electrical equipment and consist of a flexible cord with electrical connectors at either end, one male, and one female (such as IEC 60320 connectors). Alternatively, power cables may be either fixed or detachable from the appliance. The female connector attaches to the piece of equipment or appliance while the male plug connects to the electrical receptacle or outlet. GlobTek manufactures power cords in an infinite number of colors, lengths, and terminations.

Power cord & cordset selector guide

GlobTek has introduced a new power cord & cordset selector guide, an easy-to-search interface with full specifications on cordset products conforming to international power standards.

Marta Roberti graduated in Linguistic Sciences at the Catholic University of Milan in February 2016. At the same University, she also obtained a Master in Publishing for Print and Digital Media in November 2016. Since June 2016 she is part of the editorial staff of IEN Europe and IEN Italia in TIMGlobal Media.

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