Covid-19 – Using Digitalisation to Adapt and Survive in Manufacturing

Advanced Engineering Talks introduces its second webinar to be held on August 6 at 12:00 GMT

  • July 29, 2020
  • Covid-19 – Using Digitalisation to Adapt and Survive in Manufacturing
    Covid-19 – Using Digitalisation to Adapt and Survive in Manufacturing

    The 2nd event in Advanced Engineering Talks new online series is available and will be held on Thursday, August 6, 2020. Following the first webinar "How to Future-proof Career: The route to becoming a Chartered Engineer Advanced Engineering and the IET" by Adam Parnell and Fiona Harvie, Advanced Engineering Talks has now partnered with IBM to look at what 'the new normal' will mean for the manufacturing world. Distinguished Technical Specialist, Industry 4.0 Solutions Architect IBM eBusiness Technical Sales (eTS) Ian Gardner will discuss the convergence of technologies including 5G, Additive Manufacturing, and AI. 

    Covid-19 continues to have a critical impact on society, business and manufacturing. It appears that the impact of the pandemic will continue for the foreseeable future and life as we’ve known it has changed in a very short period of time. 

    But what does this mean for manufacturing and the way we do business? In manufacturing, the new normal is accelerating towards us. How can technology and digitalisation help manufacturers adapt and survive this new paradigm?

    Register here for further information.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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