Covid-19: What Has Been and Will Be the Impact on the Food and Beverage Sectors?

British Automation & Robot Association will launch a roundtable webinar on July 23

  • Covid-19: What Has Been and Will Be the Impact on the Food and Beverage Sectors?
    Covid-19: What Has Been and Will Be the Impact on the Food and Beverage Sectors?

    British Automation & Robot Association (BARA) will set up a panel of key personnel to discuss the need for significantly increasing the level of robot adoption in the UK food & beverage sector; the barriers and challenges to be addressed and what needs to be done to achieve this change. The event is organized as a roundtable webinar taking place on July 23 (2:30pm - 4pm, GMT+1).

    It is believed the UK food and beverage sector has been slow at adopting robot automation largely due to short-term approach to investments,
    historical availability of labour and the flexibility human workers provide. Today there is a growing need to increase levels of automation/robot adoption due to labour shortages (Eastern European workers returning home due to Brexit, plus an ageing workforce: 130,000 new recruits needed by 2024), increasing labour costs, the need to increase productivity, and now the added challenge of dealing with the issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Can automation provide the solution to the UK food and beverage sectors?

    You will be able to listen to a group of key panellists discuss the following topics: 

    •    Key steps to implementing a successful automated project
    •    Challenges to adopting an automated system 

    •    Overcoming the challenges of implementing an automated system
    •    Specific food sectors where automation is more important
    •    Opportunities of Government support and assistance and more

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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