With or without display, compatible with extreme temperatures (very high and very low), the new range of KISTOCK dataloggers lets you monitor (continuously or on-demand) your manufacturing process, storage premises, transport chain...
With these new accurate and self-contained dataloggers, you can store from 16,000 to 100,000 measurement points (temperature, humidity, light, current and voltage); they are compatible with external probes (up to 4):
- humidity-temperature (thermocouple K-J-T, Pt100, NTC),
- ammeter clamps,
- 4-20mA and 0-10V.
Data security is guaranteed. First, with KILOG CFR which is the key software for users who require traceability under the strict standards of “21 CFR part 11”. Second, with a new proprietary anti-theft system, with no padlock : your system cannot be unlocked or damaged. Installation is secured.