EMO, The Worldwide Exhibition of Machine Tools, is Back in Italy

More than 1,300 companies registered six months before the opening of the event

  • May 18, 2015
  • EMO, The Worldwide Exhibition of Machine Tools, is Back in Italy
    EMO, The Worldwide Exhibition of Machine Tools, is Back in Italy

    Promoted by CECIMO, the European Association for Machine Tool Industries, the tradeshow will take place from the 5th to the 10th of October 2015 in the prestigious exhibition centre of fieramilano.

    The biennial travelling exhibition, EMO - whose trademark is owned by CECIMO - has chosen Milan as one of its locations alternating with Hanover: this is a confirmation of the efficiency of the organisation, relying on a long-standing experience in the organisation of events and of the expertise of the Italian industry which ranks fourth worldwide for production and third for export.

    More than 110,000 square meters of net exhibition space has already been booked six months before the opening of EMO MILANO 2015. The threshold of 95,000 sqm of exhibition occupied by the last edition of EMO MILANO (2009) has been exceeded. Should the current trend be confirmed it is reasonable to assume that the exhibition will occupy 120,000 sqm. More than 1,300 companies are already registered at EMO MILANO 2015. The leaders in the ranking of the companies which already registered are the "masters of the house", Italians, closely followed by the Germans; the Taiwanese are ranking third for the number of applications to the tradeshow, followed by Chinese and Swiss exhibitors.

    The halls of the exhibition centre of fieramilano Rho-Pero will host the biggest factory in the world, where machine tools, robots, automation, additive manufacturing, mechatronic solutions and auxiliary technologies will be exhibited, expressing the sector's international production, representing an industry that accounts for 64 billion euros.

    "EMO has always been considered the most important event at the disposal of trade operators from the world's manufacturing industry to keep up-to-date on the new production technologies" - states Pier Luigi Streparava, appointed by CECIMO as Commissioner General EMO MILANO 2015 - "It's exactly for this reason, that we decided to include additive manufacturing into the technological index of products of the sector's leading international exhibition: this is one of the technologies that will be increasingly developed in future and to which the tradeshow will dedicate a special in-depth focus".

    150,000 visitors from approximately 100 countries: these are the figures expected for EMO MILANO 2015, an edition which will also take advantage of the concurrence with EXPO 2015. On this occasion, Milan will show a completely renovated look and an improved traffic flow, thanks to a revised and strengthened public transport service.

    Directly connected with the exhibition centre of fieramilano Rho-Pero, Expo 2015 will offer the trade operators of EMO MILANO 2015 many attractions for a unique programme of fringe events. In this respect, the concurrence of the two events will create really interesting synergies for the hundreds of thousands of visitors who will be coming to Milan from every corner of the globe.

    "As organisers of this exhibition - Pier Luigi Streparava goes on - we are committed to transforming the concurrence of the two tradeshows into real opportunities for our operators, by planning "connection activities" and by activating numerous special services. An example is the programme Hospitality which accurately lists a large range of accommodation options reserved for trade operators attending EMO MILANO 2015".

    "Since December we have indeed activated many agreements which allow, through the exhibition website, www.emo-milano.com, the booking of accommodation in and around Milan before, during and after the exhibition period; in addition to this there is also a parking reservation service" - concludes Pier Luigi Streparava.

    "In the first quarter of 2015 - declares Alfredo Mariotti, Director of EMO MILANO - the index, produced by the Studies Dept. of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE regarding the quantity of machine tool orders received by Italian manufacturers, registered an increase of 2.2% compared to the same period in 2014, making it 6 positive quarters in a row.

    The increase in the internal market (+15.4%), has been instrumental to this positive trend. This information confirms a new period of development and increase for the use of machine tools in Italy. This will materialise with stronger and stronger increases: +5.3% in 2015, +5% in 2016, +7.4% in 2017 (Oxford of Economics figures), to the benefit of EMO MILANO 2015". "This data, together with the positive forecast on the global use of machine tools, that will reach 60 billion in 2015, 63 billion in 2016 (+5.2%), 66 billion in 2017 (+4.8%), are a good indication for a successful exhibition" - concludes Alfredo Mariotti. Updated information, special services for exhibitors and visitors, the video advertisement and one of the music tracks from the EMOTION 2015 collection, the CD made to promote the event, are available on the website www.emo-milano.com.