Walter Stauffenberg, headquarters of the internationally operating Stauff Group, has recently introduced a comprehensive energy management system into three sites in Germany – its production plants in Werdohl and Plettenberg and the logistics centre in Neuenrade. This system was successfully certified to DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 at the end of the first quarter of 2017 by independent experts from Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA).
Responsible and careful handling of energy and resources is becoming of central importance and is ultimately becoming a key cost factor for the internal operational processes of companies and organisations. The continuous monitoring and optimisation of the use of energy by means of an energy management system is therefore almost indispensable today.
Potential to Improve Energy Efficiency
The energy management system now identifies and centrally documents the existing potential to improve energy efficiency. The system identifies the main consumers, determines relevant energy KPIs and transparently and continuously records energy volumes so that they can be evaluated, compared to each other and then measures put in place to lower energy demand and cost.