Ethernet/CAN Interface

With USB

  • Ethernet/CAN Interface
    Ethernet/CAN Interface

    Vector introduces the new VN5610 device - a compact Ethernet/CAN interface with USB. Developers in the automotive and aerospace industries are supposed to benefit from simultaneous access to CAN networks and Ethernet-based systems such as Broad-R-Reach or AFDX with one interface. The new hardware can be used in tasks ranging from remaining bus simulations to Ethernet monitoring and synchronization of Ethernet frames with other bus systems such as CAN. According to the supplier, in particular developers will benefit from precise time stamps with a common time base for synchronizing the various systems. The bus interface has two separate channels for Ethernet and CAN, which enables simultaneous operation of a remaining bus simulation with the CANoe.IP or CANalyzer.IP Vector tools. While two high-speed CAN channels are available in the CAN section, the Ethernet section supports Broad-R-Reach and standard Ethernet IEEE 802.3 (100BASE-TX or 1000BASE-T). The advantage here is that the user can connect existing standard Ethernet loggers and accessories when used as an Ethernet media converter. In what is known as Ethernet monitoring, the new interface offers a transparent connection (in/out/monitor) between two nodes with precise time stamps. In the interplay of the new device with the Vector tools CANoe.AFDX or CANalyzer.AFDX, it is now possible to access the Ethernet-based AFDX protocol that is widely used in the aerospace industry. The new interface can also handle the new CAN FD standard with its reconfigurable FPGA hardware architecture.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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