External Environmental Audit Successfully Passed

GEMÜ certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001

  • February 8, 2011
  • External Environmental Audit Successfully Passed
    External Environmental Audit Successfully Passed

GEMÜ GmbH & Co. KG of Ingelfingen-Criesbach, Germany is certified according to the international environmental standard DIN EN ISO 14001 and registered according to the requirements of the Europe-wide EMASIII Regulation. The company's compliance with the aforementioned standards was confirmed by an external, independent environmental auditor as part of an evaluation of the environmental performance of the company. The environmental auditor, an accredited member of the German Accreditation Society for Environmental Auditors, pointed out the well-documented environmental management system of the company and for the company's clearly understandable environmental declaration.  
Active environmental protection has been a part of the corporate philosophy at GEMÜ for many years. "As an industrial company, we bear a special responsibility to protect our environment. That is why sustainable manufacturing and production are an integral part of business at GEMÜ", explains qualified engineer Jürgen Kerl, environmental officer at the multinational specialist in valves, measurement and control systems. It is a declared goal of the company to continuously improve environmental performance in the long-term

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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