Grinding Machine

Grinding Machine

  • Grinding Machine
    Grinding Machine

    Grindex is the manufacturer of cylindrical grinding machines, both universals, for internals, threads, complex forms, round and non-round, customs executions, distributed by Sermac. With over 50 years of know-how, Grindex products are employed in automotive, bearings manufacturing, tools, gears and fine mechanic. The BBN-300 series has been recently updated with a new grinding wheel head suitable for up to four wheels (external up to Ø 610 mm) in several combinations, with one side or two sides spindles, for multiple cycles in one clamp.

    CN rotating unit

    The CN rotating unit (continuous B-axis) ranges from -15° to +245° with 0,0005° resolution, 16 Nm torque. Centers height from 135 to 300 mm and length between centers from 300 to 3.000 mm. Siemens CNC control 840D comes with Grindex interface, teleservice and diagnostic. Industry 4.0 compliant. Extensive range of standard and optional accessories together with automation possibilities.

    Claudio Tacchella

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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