High Performance Fuse

protects photovoltaic applications

  • High Performance Fuse
    High Performance Fuse

    Schurter introduces the solar fuse ASO and the touch safe fuseholder FSO for the protection of photovoltaic and DC-applications, like solar panels, inverters, batterycharges and combiner boxes. The fuse has a current range from 1 A to 30 A and compact sizes from 10.3 x 38 mm. It protects PV modules, conductors and similar DC-applications from the effects of a low short circuit current in systems upwards of 1000 VDC. The wire bonding makes the fuse stable and reliable with an operating temperature range of -40°C to 85°C. The touch safe fuseholder FSO is designed for grid-tie or off-grid array combiners and standard DIN rail mount.