HMI Software

many customer-specific adaptation options

  • HMI Software
    HMI Software

    iX is a software-based HMI concept by Beijer Electronics that fills the gap between proprietary HMI terminals and SCADA licence solutions. It consists of a development environment and a runtime environment and is available in several versions, including a complete Lauer HMI concept that can run on a panel PC or desktop PC platform as well as a runtime version for PCs from other suppliers. Thanks to support for the Microsoft .Netframework, iX enables a multitude of customer-specific adaptation options. With the ability to integrate externally available .Net controls (DLLs), it allows for the generation of user-defined objects. In combination with Microsoft´s Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) standard, users have many options for developing user interfaces. The use of vector-based graphics ensures that user interface environments are always rendered precisely, regardless of the scale factor. A large number of predefined graphic objects, such as switches, indicator instruments and technical pictograms, give users rapid access and enable fast results. Additionally, iX supports the Microsoft multifunction bars and thus frees designers and users from the shackles of nested menus. This means thatsuitable commands can be anchored to the desired locations.