Microscan introduces the new Xi series of miniature barcode readers with embedded Ethernet. The MINI HAWK Xi and MS-4Xi imagers are barcode reading solutions for almost any automation environment, with decode algorithms to read nearly any1D/2D symbol, including the most challenging direct part marks (DPM). Both products feature 10 to 30 VDC power requirements, optoisolated I/O, and RJ45 and M12 connectors, along with compatibility with the supplier's full line of industrial M12 accessories. The imagers feature decode algorithms for reading damaged, distorted or difficult low-contrast codes, including direct part marks such as dot peen and laser/chemical etch. The MINI HAWK Xi additionally includes autofocus, and both high-speed and high-resolution configurations. The right angle mirror option and corner-exit cable are designed specifically to conserve cubic space for the tightest fit possible within instrumentation and equipment, or for mounting into robotic applications. The Xi imagers also include visible LED indicators, targeting laser pattern, "good read" green flash, and an EZ button for instant setup and configuration.
Industrial Barcode Readers
With embedded Ethernet
- December 20, 2012