Hannover Messe is launching IndustrialGreenTec, a new flagship trade fair that will significantly expand its coverage of environmental technology and sustainability issues. The organizers are pleased to announce that they have secured the support of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI) as the new show's non-commercial sponsor. ZVEI CEO Klaus Mittelbach explains: "In order to keep pace with their international rivals, our members need to put their innovation, growth and competitiveness on a sustainable footing. Environmental technologies are a big part of this. The advent of IndustrialGreenTec means that in 2012 Hannover Messe will, for the very first time, have a dedicated environmental technology show that will serve both as an exhibition platform and as a forum for quality dialogue."
IndustrialGreenTec will premiere at Hannover Messe 2012 and focus on pioneering environmental technology and sustainability solutions. The new tradeshow will give manufacturing companies something they've never had before: an international platform where they can showcase products, technologies and processes designed to promote eco-friendly and sustainable production.
Industry to Showcase its Green Side at IndustrialGreenTec
Key industry association backs fair as non-commercial sponsor
- July 21, 2011