Laser Vibrometer

Imaging for microscopic structures

  • Laser Vibrometer
    Laser Vibrometer

    The PICOSCAN Vibrometer from SmarAct addresses the need for R&D and QC instrumentation that keeps pace with the ever increasing complexity of micromechanical systems. SmarAct’s vibrometer is developed for megapixel imaging of vibrational modes of microscopic structures. This is achieved by raster-scanning a tightly focused laser beam of a Michelson interferometer over the sample to measure the vibrations for each pixel of the microscopic image. The PICOSCAN Vibrometer is equipped with a piezo-based sample shaker and a digital lock-in amplifier to measure amplitude and phase of the vibrations from which bending modes of up to 2.5 MHz can be reconstructed. 

    Resolution of 5µm for recording

    The use of SmarAct’s linear piezo motors allows the imaging of structures with a size of up to 20 mm. A unique feature of the PICOSCAN Vibrometer is that the interferometer laser beam is used simultaneously to record a confocal reflection image of the sample with a lateral resolution of 5 µm. This microscopic image is thus intrinsically aligned with the vibration measurements and an additional microscope imaging system is not required. The controller and UHV-compatible scanner are kept very compact which does not only saves desk space but also allows for the integration into confined environments.