Level of Bookings Same as Last Year

Subcontracting Show MIDEST 2013 in Paris

  • September 27, 2013
  • Level of Bookings Same as Last Year
    Level of Bookings Same as Last Year

    As of mid September, the level of bookings for MIDEST 2013 (November 19-22, Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre), was the same as last year. Looked at in detail, however, there has been an increase of around 10% in the number of international exhibitors and a roughly equivalent drop in exhibitors from France. This is likely to be due to the difficulties that France and its suffering industry are experiencing, balanced out, so far as the show goes, by the efforts made over recent years by MIDEST to attract foreign companies and so to reinforce its position as the world's leading industrial subcontracting show.
    Despite the economic rocks, MIDEST 2013 has rounded the cape and is coordinating new activities and special operations in support of industrial subcontracting. These include focusing on a sector for the future, energy, and, for the first time, choosing a non-European country, South Africa, as its country of the year. There will also be a special Algerian programme and an initiative aimed at making the mechanical engineering trades attractive to girls undertaken by the FIM (mechanical engineering federation). These highlights will be accompanied by a completely new web site designed to help its visitors carry out searches all year long, to raise the profile of the various sectors of industrial subcontracting and to broadcast market news.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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