The ANT130-L linear positioning stage series from Aerotech with anti-creep cross roller bearings, centre driven brushless/non-cogging linear servomotor and 40 MHz linear encoder processing, offers higher load capacity and increased travel of up to 160 mm. The ANT130-L has a nominal width of 130 mm and is available in travel ranges of 35 mm, 60 mm, 110 mm and 160 mm - each with certified accuracy grades between ±2 microns and ±250 nanometers. In-position stability is measured at just 3 nanometers; positioning resolution is 1 nanometer and repeatability to 50 nanometers. Minimum maintenance is assured with non-contacting linear servomotors.
Linear Positioning Stage Series
with nano Motion Technology
- by Aerotech Ltd
- November 13, 2009