ACE Stoßdämpfer recently introduced its newly developed low-frequency air spring elements under the overarching category of "ACEolators". Among other things, these elements serve as dampers for noise vibrations and impact shocks in machines used by industrial companies. The company also provides numerous products to solve the current problem of loud machines that negatively affect the working environment with their vibrations. The new PLM-type pneumatic air spring elements, with their low natural frequency of 3 Hz, are perfectly suited for isolating testing equipment and high-capacity machines. A 1:1 relationship between the horizontal and vertical natural frequency guarantees high horizontal stability. Among other things, that means a longer operating life for machines due to lower loads. Another new product series being presented are the PAL-type low-frequency air spring elements with automatic level regulation. The products in this series create optimal conditions with consistent levels. This model, which is especially efficient for precision measurement devices, is distinguished by its fast response time and natural frequencies down to 0.5 Hz, depending on the structure.
Low-frequency Air Spring Elements
Dampers for noise vibrations and impact shocks
- by ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH
- October 16, 2013