Magnetic Guide Sensor for Mobile Robots

Integrated angle measurement for enhanced path following

  • Magnetic Guide Sensor for Mobile Robots
    Magnetic Guide Sensor for Mobile Robots

Naviq is introducing the MTS160, a state-of-the-art magnetic guidance sensor for mobile robots with patented angle measurement capabilities with 1 degree accuracy and positioning accuracy within 1 mm. This dual functionality provides exceptional orientation and positioning accuracy, significantly improving the navigation capabilities of mobile robotic systems. The MTS160's unique angle detection allows the robot to assess the curvature of the path, unlike traditional magnetic line-following sensors that only detect position along a single dimension. As a result, the robot can differentiate between minor path adjustments necessary on straight paths and more proactive steering for navigation in curves. This improved path following accuracy allows robots to follow defined paths with greater precision, even at higher speeds when navigating through curves. 

High accuracy of position evaluation

Another exclusive feature is the sensor's ability to detect point-shaped disc magnets along both the X and Y axes with millimetre accuracy. By installing magnets at precise locations, the robot can determine its position and orientation with exceptional accuracy. This is ideal for precise positioning at loading or docking stations. The MTS160 also offers advanced marker detection, supporting reverse-polarity magnetic tape markers strategically placed along the track. These markers can signal areas where speed adjustments are required, upcoming forks and junctions, and proximity to stop areas such as loading or docking stations. In addition, a unique merge and fork management algorithm ensures smooth direction changes at junctions, improving the robot's operational efficiency.

The MTS160 can be used as the primary guidance sensor in low-cost robots on fixed paths, or as a complementary component in robots with laser or vision navigation systems for precise positioning to the last millimetre. The MTS160 features a 4-pin waterproof M8 connector for power and signal transmission and supports CAN bus and RS232 interfaces, ensuring compatibility with all brands of PLCs and microcomputers. Its compact design, measuring just 165 x 35 x 25mm, makes it easy to integrate into any robot design. The sensor is designed for ease of use. RGB status LEDs provide visual feedback on tape and marker detection. A web-based utility requires no installation. Simply connect the sensor to a smartphone or PC via its USB port for easy configuration, testing, logging and monitoring. The utility also supports automatic firmware updates. In addition, an automatic self-test of the internal circuitry ensures safe operation and reliable performance.