Maxon Motor Wins Aerosuisse Award 2013

New aerospace projects coming up

  • October 10, 2013
  • Ernst Rohrer, Responsible for Special Drives; maxon-CEO Eugen Elmiger and Development Engineer Robin Phillips are pleased with the Aerosuisse-Award (f.l.t.r.).
    Ernst Rohrer, Responsible for Special Drives; maxon-CEO Eugen Elmiger and Development Engineer Robin Phillips are pleased with the Aerosuisse-Award (f.l.t.r.).

Aerosuisse, the umbrella organization for the Swiss aerospace industry, chose maxon motor ag as the winner of this year's award. The products of the drive specialist have not only been conquering Mars for more than 15 years, but are also increasingly used on board civil aircraft.
"Without maxon's micro motors, the Mars rover Opportunity will stop in its tracks on the red planet. The Dragon capsule of rocket and spacecraft manufacturer Space X would not be able to dock onto the International Space Station if it wasn't for maxon motor. And even the valves and flaps of the Boeing 787 ventilation system are driven by maxon's motors. By presenting maxon motor ag with the Aerosuisse Award 2013, Aerosuisse honors the company's groundbreaking development and production of high-precision drive systems, which are of vital importance to the aerospace industry," writes Aerosuisse in their media release of October 9, 2013.

maxon motor is already busy with a wide range of new aerospace projects. The focus is on highest loads over long life spans. Motors in aircraft, space rockets, satellites or space probes have to be able to cope with great temperature fluctuations, withstand constant vibration and repeated impacts, have a long life span and emit as little electromagnetic interference as possible. Furthermore, the weight, efficiency and absolute reliability of the drive system play an important role.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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