Micro-dosing Valve

enables high-precision dosing

  • Micro-dosing Valve
    Micro-dosing Valve

    Cats' micro-dosing valve integrates a completely new constructive concept. The solution consisting of dosing unit, step motor and control system is therefore able to dose various media with different viscosities and also with solids contents sequentially in a highly precise way (repeating accuracy almost 100 percent). Also regarding the purity of the medium to be dosed the dosing valve denies no wishes. The medium is lead through a highly clean channel by plate cams so that the chemical properties of the medium to be dosed remain the same both in front of and also behind the valve. Because of the above-mentioned characteristics the valve can be cleaned quickly and thoroughly when it is installed. The micro-dosing valve is recommended to be used in the paper, pharmaceutical and chemicals industry as well as for the areas medical technology, automotive, mechanical engineering and laboratory technology.