Micro-positioning System

With travel options from 200 to 500 mm

  • Micro-positioning System
    Micro-positioning System

    Offered complete with cable management and optional granite support bases and machine frames, the AGS1500 X-Y gantry micro-positioning system from Aerotech features direct-drive brushless linear motors, non contact optical encoder feedback and linear motion guide bearings. It is available in four X-Y travel options from 200 to 500 mm and retains the dynamic performance and accuracy characteristics of the longer travel model AGS15000 model, with nanometre level resolution, velocity to 3 m/s and acceleration to 5 g. Aimed at high-throughput production and test micro-positioning applications including precision micromachining, machine vision inspection, automated assembly and precision dispensing, the AGS1500 can be supplied with counterbalanced Z axes and rotary axes as complete customised motion sub-systems for turnkey operation including customer specified fixtures, cabled services and other special requests that can include an electroless nickel finish for ESD protection. Together with the company’s HALAR calibration option, the X-Y gantry helps to ensure an overall stage accuracy of better than ±1.5 µm and repeatability to ± 0.5 µm for the 500 mm travel version. Using the company’s encoder multiplier technology, the resolution can be specified between 1 µm and 1 nm and X-Y orthogonality is within 5 arc-s. The planar stage design includes a fully preloaded linear motion guide bearing system with wiper seals and grease fittings for long life, low maintenance operation for lower axis stage loads up to 37 kg and payloads on the upper axis to 3.2 kg. The company’s field proven cable management system (CMS) includes connectors at both payload and opposite ends of the e-chain with large bend radii and high-flex cables used. All customers electrical and pneumatics supplies can be routed through the CMS, simplifying installation and system commissioning. The AGS1500 is typically supplied complete with the company’s high performance motion controls and servo amplifiers to ensure optimum performance. These include the A3200 Digital Automation Platform, the new MotionPAC, and the Ensemble and Soloist stand-alone motion controllers with integrated drives. Through the range a choice of PC-based software-only controls or standalone solutions in rack and desk mounting options are available to suit the customers’ application. All of the company’s controllers offer a very wide choice of machine controls and sophisticated motion commands that can include IEC61131-3, Microsoft .NET Framework and LabVIEW programming capability with advanced software and analytical functions that are designed to optimise machine performance, increase precision and improve throughput.

    Edited by: Teoman Tugsuz