In many cases, different machine components, for example spur gears and timing belts, are used together in applications, or individual components make up small assembly groups. The interplay between the individual parts and their functionalities within the application can be improved with the right product combinations. Misumi developed the Modular Assembler in order to determine the best product combinations from its diverse range of over one million standard, purchased and custom-made parts. The online tool reduces the amount of time it takes design engineers to select the best-suited components, work on dimensioning and generate CAD models and product numbers. The service is currently available in English and is divided into four product categories: positioning/indexing, position adjustment (positioning, adjusting, detecting), rotary/linear (rotary, linear), work piece retention (retention) and connecting components (connection).
Modular Assembler
Identifies machine components quickly
- by MISUMI Europa GmbH
- July 6, 2011