Motion Control System


  • Motion Control System
    Motion Control System

    The Alpha motion control system can control up to 4 interpolated Cartesian axes and manage linear and circular 3D interpolation with point to point and continuous path handling manoeuvre. The CU04 control unit has a 4 in/out on-board packet that can be integrated with the IO16/16 board, equipped with 16 inputs and 16 outputs, analogue and digital. With the SD05 and SD10 drivers, designed to control stepper motors, the motor’s functional parameters can be programmed via software and its position monitored with precision by an encoder. Both drivers can be integrated with the CU04 but can be controlled directly by the PLC. The ALPHA system is compatible with the standard CANOpen bus (CiA DSP402) and can also be controlled via PLC. Operations are programmed via PC-compatible proprietary software which can produce complex working sequences and quick transfer to the CU04 control unit.