The MotoRGS motorized linear slide assembly incorporates the Kerk Rapid Guide Screw (RGS) linear slide and the Haydon size 17 hybrid stepper motor providing a single source optimized solution. The new product combines both Kerk and Haydon technology in a single unit that provides high linear speed, accurate positioning, and a high linear force to size ratio resulting in a compact, value-priced assembly. The linear slides feature standard wear-compensating, anti-backlash driven carriages to insure repeatable and accurate positioning. All moving surfaces include Kerkite high performance polymers running on either Kerkote or Black Ice TFE coatings, providing a strong, stable platform for a variety of linear motion applications.
MotoRGS motorized linear slide assembly
for repeatable and accurate positioning
- by Haydon Kerk Pittman
- February 1, 2009