
for energy efficient equipment and machinery

  • Motors

    Under the EuP directive, machine producers are obliged to meet high standards to achieve the required power efficiency. Yaskawa meets this challenge by offering the ECOiPM motor. When combined with a V1000inverter, these motors form an efficient drive package that can help to reduce lifecycle costs. The motor is two sizes smaller compared to a level IE2 asynchronous motor.The smallest member of the product family features 56A frame size, the largest comes in 90B frame size. The motors are available in B3 design and in flange mount versions, both in 200V and 400V voltage classes. The V1000 inverter can control the ECOiPM without motor feedback. The inverters and motors are available for the European market and comply withEuropean CE regulations.

    Edited by: Jürgen Wirtz