MVV Signed a Partnership Agreement with ABB at Hannover Messe 2019

Major German energy service provider MVV has partnered with ABB to launch Energy and Efficiency as a Service, with a new full-service solution developed to help industrial and energy companies improve their energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and l

  • April 5, 2019
  • MVV Signed a Partnership Agreement with ABB at Hannover Messe 2019
    MVV Signed a Partnership Agreement with ABB at Hannover Messe 2019

    From now, MVV is able to offer its customers an all-round integrated and full-service energy efficiency service called Energy Efficiency as a service, powered by ABB. It provides MVV’s industrial and energy customers with sustainable and modular energy efficiency optimization and management in line with individual targets, including maximizing local consumption and realizing CO2 savings. Energy flows from industrial plants and energy infrastructure are measured and processed in high resolution and real time, and optimized by ABB Ability™ Energy management for sites - OPTIMAX® for Virtual Power Plants

    Clear insights into energy consumption

    Leveraging OPTIMAX®, the new service will provide clear insights into energy consumption, monitoring energy use in real time with flexibility to add new generation assets into a virtual power pool and aggregate decentralized generation and flexible loads. This aggregation and pooling of assets allows for seamless collection, management and reporting of environmental data related to energy use, empowering users to automate operations of their generation assets, controllable loads and/or storage.

    MVV will smartly link flexibilities from interruptible loads and energy storage facilities with the energy market, via its virtual plant complementing with advice on implementation measures for energy infrastructure, administrative handling of regulatory requirements and planning, construction, and financing the operation of energy plants. 

    “Rising energy costs, ever stricter regulatory requirements and changes resulting from the energy turnaround make business customers reliant on real-time management of their energy infrastructure,” said Kevin Kosisko, Managing Director, Energy Industries, ABB.

    “ABB is proud to collaborate with MVV on this new 360-degree service, offering a convenient way to achieve a decentralized and efficient energy supply, while reducing energy consumption and making sustainable operations more accessible and scalable.”

    Optimizing the entire value chain, starting from energy business models

    Dr Joachim Hofman, Senior Vice President MVV Enamic, said: “Supporting companies as they adopt new energy business models, Energy and Efficiency as a service is intended to review and optimize the entire value chain of energy services, from consulting to operations. In doing so, our customers can leverage commercial savings and even generate additional revenues by marketing the available flexibilities or surplus energy.”

    The partnership between the two companies was officially signed at Hannover Messe 2019.


    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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