New Box PC

And increased energy efficiency

  • New Box PC
    New Box PC
  • New Box PC
    New Box PC
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At this year's SPS/IPC/Drives show, automation specialist B&R will showcase the new Automation PC 910. At the heart of this industrial PC is the latest 3rd generation Intel Core i technology. Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7 CPUs with up to four cores, paired with the newly released QM77 Express chipset, provide a strong industrial computing performance.
Furthermore, B&R has introduced an all-new energy monitoring solution - APROL EnMon. The new product helps users implement ISO 50001. In stand-alone operation or integrated in an existing APROL process control system, this solution supports a process of continual improvement by measuring and evaluating all relevant energy consumption data.

The engineering software Automation Studio 4 is equipped with new features that support the development and series production of modular machines in varying configurations. These include complete software modularization, a graphical hardware configuration tool and communication via OPC-UA as well as open interfaces between Automation Studio 4 and various design and simulation software. In addition, Automation Runtime provides optimal MultiCore utilization and supports simultaneous use of multiple operating systems (MultiOS) on a single hardware platform.

In the past, a failsafe system with redundant processors was a cost-prohibitive solution for many applications. With CPU redundancy for B&R's X20 System included in the Automation Studio 4 development environment, this threshold has been brought down to a level that makes high availability both attractive and economical, even for smaller conventional machine automation applications. The communication protocol used for B&R's redundancy solution is the high-performance POWERLINK real-time fieldbus.

The ACOPOSmulti65m motor-mounted servo drive with IP65 protection is an addition to B&R's modular ACOPOSmulti drive system. It melds with the motor to form a configurable and easy to connect mechatronic servo drive unit with integrated safe motion functions and openSAFETY to deliver power right where it is needed on the machine. This saves space in the control cabinet and advances the development of decentralized machine architectures.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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