Passive harmonic filters improve the compatibility of motor drives with the power grid. Schaffner extended its ECOsine product range with filters for 690V systems, supporting a straightforward upgrade from standard motor drives to “low harmonic drives.” They are suitable for 3-phase equipment with 6-pulse front-end rectifiers, such as variable speed drives or battery chargers. Frequency inverters for energy efficiency and speed control of electric motors can, in combination with the filters, be utilized as low harmonic drives. The filters reduce total harmonic current distortion (THID) to typically 5% and guarantee compliance with IEEE-519 and other international standards. Drive and filter combined allow for unconditional use without the need for a costly power quality analysis in each case. The electrical infrastructure is reliably unburdened, transformers are utilized much more effectively, and the failure rate of neighboring electrical consumers is reduced. The ECOsine filters FN341xHV are rated for 690VAC/50Hz grids that are often used in chemical plants, in oil and gas exploration, or in heavy industry. The filters are available as a standard for diode rectifiers (FN3410HV) and upon request for thyristor rectifiers (FN3411HV). They come in common steps of power rating from 7.5 to 250kW. The compact filters are housed in IP20 rated enclosures, suitable for cabinet integration or for wall mounting in electrical utility rooms.
Edited by: Teoman Tugsuz