The IE5 permanent-magnet motor offers even lower losses than its predecessor, the W22 Super Premium induction motor. With a rated efficiency of 96.6% and significantly lower losses than IE4 motors, they are among the first commercially available motors that conform to the recently formulated criteria for a potential IE5 energy efficiency class. With the launch of the W22 Super Premium family of induction motors in late 2012, WEG was among the first to offer a full range of motors conforming to the as-yet unratified IE4 standard. Users can comply with the regulations by opting for a high-performance W22 IE2 motor in combination with a frequency converter in the CFW 11 or CFW 11M series, or by opting for the direct approach of a W22 motor with an IE3 or IE4 rating. Highly energy-aware enterprises can choose the permanent-magnet motor, which has significantly lower losses than the Super Premium model and conforms to the specifications of the potential IE5 regulation.
Permanent-magnet motor
lower losses than IE4 motors
- by Weg Electric Motors (UK) Ltd.
- March 14, 2014