ASM has expanded its POSIWIRE family of rugged cable extension position sensors with the WS12EX series that has a measurement range up to 118 inches. In locations where combustible dust is present, the maximum allowable surface temperature of installed devices is limited to only 2/3 of the minimum ignition temperature of the surrounding combustible dust. If there is a risk of dust accumulation, further considerations such as the smoldering point of the dust and additional temperature safety distances must be evaluated. The sensor was developed to meet these safety requirements related to combustible dust. The position sensor housing is rated IP67 and is available with the industry standard analog outputs: 0-10VDC and 4-20mA. The linearity is +/- 0.10 % of full scale with an optional +/- 0.05 % full scale. A precision potentiometer is utilized for the rotary sensing element. The product achieves the requirements of EX Dust Explosion-Proof Category 3, Zone 22 for non-conductive dust. The sensor was designed for numerous industries where combustible dust is present: saw mills (saw dust), food processing (flour dust) and other harsh application (carbon dust).
Position Sensor
With protection against combustible dust
- by ASM Automation Sensorik Messtechnik GmbH
- October 17, 2011