
for harsh environments

  • Positioner

    The Sitrans VP300 positioner is especially designed by Siemens for use in the paper, mining and petroleum industries and was developed according to SIL guidelines. Air exhausting in the single-acting device is SIL2 rated. Both the single-acting and double-acting versions of the positioner feature aluminum housing with high protection IP66/NEMA 4x and are especially resistant to vibrations. A rugged mechanical Opos interface connection can be used for fast and simple installation of the Sitrans VP300. Only two screws are required on the front of the positioner to attach it to the drive. The blocking function enabled by the drive and installation set facilitates replacement of the positioner during operation. Another feature is the contact-free position detection which works according to the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) principle and makes the measurements particularly resistant to magnetic field and temperature fluctuations.