The EPOS2 is designed by Maxon Motor to control brushless DC motors with encoder or brushless EC motors with Hall sensors and encoder of 5 to 120W. As all other products of the EPOS series, EPOS2 24/5 has also been developed to command and control within CANopen frameworks (while USB and RS232 are also available). The unit is packed with a wide range of functions and features and can handle a multitude of operational modes (Position, Velocity, Current Mode and others) thus permitting fl exible employment of drive systems in automation and mechatronics. Among other functions are Step/Direction Mode for step-by-step movement of the motor (as a replacement for a stepper motor) or Master Encoder Mode for the driveís use as electronic gearhead. Commanding via an analogue set value voltage can replace conventional servo amplifi er applications. It features 32-bit Digital Signal Processor Technology permitting outstanding motion control functionalities.
Positioning Control Unit
controls brushless DC motors
- by Maxon International AG
- September 1, 2009