Lightweight construction materials pose a particular challenge for calculations engineers and developers in the automotive industry. Which data is needed for current and future simulations? Can the performance of hybrid structures be accurately determined? Can close-to realistic construction models be predicted? Experts provide answers to these and other questions during the 1st International VDI-Conference "Simulation in Automotive Lightweight Engineering" on May 9 and 10, 2012 in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Experts from Lamborghini present the "Automobil Lamborghini Carbon Fiber Strategy". Composite Consultant Dr. Alastair Johnson, a former staff member at the DLR German Aerospace Center, provides insight into interdisciplinary crash behavior simulations and trials of lightweight construction materials in aviation. Representatives of BMW, Daimler and Opel discuss how the performance of fiber reinforced synthetics can be incorporated in calculations, and which conclusions can be drawn from building components and their behavior during crash simulations. Experts from the Ford Research Center demonstrate how ultra-strong steel as well as magna for aluminum- and magnesium castings such as materials, construction components and construction material data may be understood in simulations. BMW and Suisse Technology Partners broach the subject of how fatigue strength can be forecast for notched CFRP and welded Steel- and aluminum components.
In conclusion, the conference will provide a platform for spokespersons of the University of Leicester and the Polytec UK, to discuss this specialized field.
Further information, registration and program at or via VDI Wissensforum Kundenzentrum, P.O. Box 10 11 39, 40002 Duesseldorf,E-mail:, Telephone: +49 (0) 211 62 14-201, Fax: -154.
Predicting Performance of Lightweight Construction Materials
First International VDI-Conference “Simulation in Automotive Lightweight Engineering”
- February 7, 2012