Protection of measuring devices

from magnetic fields

  • by Magneto
  • November 12, 2009
  • Protection of measuring devices
    Protection of measuring devices

    The uses of neodymium magnets or a strong magnetic field created by electromagnetic devices can have a negative influence on the correct functioning of measuring devices through reversible or irreversible changes of their measuring characteristics. The fastest method to improve the ‘protection’ of measuring devices from a strong magnetic field is to use passive magnetic field indicators, as the case study from Magneto points out.

    This method is especially useful fordevices already in use in networks.Although many companies manufacturing measuring devices have taken many initiatives, usually it turned out that the devices are not properly shielded toprotect them from magnetic field influence and then detection of an external magnetic field isneeded, e.g. by using passive magnetic field indicators.In the case of new measuring devices, the passive magnetic field indicator can by designbe installed inside the device so that the indicator would be visible through a transparent wallof the device. It is only possible during the production process of devices to install theindicators inside, but not after installation these devices in networks. The solution with the external installation of the indicator, is the only one reasonable solution for manymillions of measuring devices already measuring medium consumption in networks.

    In case you would like to download the complete case study, just click on the PDF below.