RLX-IFHS radios

2.4GHz and 900MHz

  • RLX-IFHS radios
    RLX-IFHS radios

    The RLX-IFHS radios offer solutions for reducing engineering and installation costs of serial industrial automation networks in tough environments. The radios are designed for Serial links such as Modbus, DF1, ASCII, IEC 60870-5-101 etc. Users now have better operation in high-interference environments. It also means longer distances between radios (up to 24 or 48km). New input filters and a new signal processing algorithm enable the radios to detect and retrieve data transmitted by a signal attenuated down to a low level (116dBm).The radios can be used for automatic controls in high-interference environments or for supervision and monitoring applications over long distances. They enable data transfers between devices with serial interfaces at data rates ranging from 19.2 to 230Kbps.